Well Courtney and I did Christmas for one another yesterday! Both Wolf Pack inspired gifts, were dorks and we are obcessed! There were two rules... Handmade & under $10. I presented Courtney with 20 x 30 poster board with a hand painted wolf to look like Jake surrounded by pictures of Courtneys favorite guy, Taylor Lautner! I'll post a picture at some point. She LOVED it!! Courtney made me a wooden box with pictures of the wolf pack mod podged on! Inside was a beautiful necklace, the one pictured. Courtney is soooo clever, the charms have such a cool meaning. She even made one for her! The black and brown swirled stone represents Sam's fur (my favorite) and Jacob's fur (Courtneys favorite). The silver charm says things like courage, trust, loyalty, family, unity, etc. which represents the wolf pack & mine and Courtneys friendship! She is incredibly creative, don't you think??

Just thought I'd post it :) take care everyone.
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