Just thought I'd post some fan made stuff I LOVE. Please check them out.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Awesome fan made videos & such
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:10 PM 0 comments
David Slade doesn't know when Eclipse teaser will be out
David Slade, the director of Eclipse, said today via Twitter that he doesnt know when the Eclipse trailer will be released.
My guess however, is soon...like in the next two weeks. Why do I think such a thing? Ill tell ya! Okay, so as we all know, New Moon was released November 20 2009 in the US. The first official teaser was released May 29, 2009...why do I remember this date?? It was my daughter's first birthday, thats how :) So that being said... Eclipse comes out June 30 2010 and today is December 28 2009, and the trailer for New Moon was released 5 months and 21 days before the movie release, so I am calculating that it should be in the [[VERY]] near future.
And of course, we will have the updates :D
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 7:46 PM 0 comments
New Moon mania on MTV's 2009 in 60 seconds
MTV news did a 60 second recap of this year, 2009. Pretty funny, and yikes, one HELL of a year.
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 7:41 PM 0 comments
LA.com's best dressed starlets
Well, La.com just came out with their Best Dressed Starlets of '09...And our lovely Kristen was on there!! But just to ruin the party, Taylor Swift was also listed... with many pictures.
Someone ELSE dressed her! Kristen at least puts a little K-Stew flair to her outfits. Swifty just goes with the flow... YUCK.
Seriously, someone tell Taylor Swift to eat a cheeseburger... she's too thin. Yuck, yuck, yuck yuck YUCKKK.
But props to Kristen, we all adore you!
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 3:26 PM 0 comments
We have a winner!
We have a winner ladies & gentlemen! Remember our bath salt giveaway? (Bath Salt Giveaway) Well, our reader Kelly is the winner! She has won a 6 oz. sea salt from us, here at CullenLove Twilight News! Stay tuned for another giveaway everyone!
Congrats Kelly!
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Supreme Creepiness... Edward Cullen Shower Curtain
Eh...not going to lie...this is just weird.
They say the function of a shower curtain is to keep the water from spilling out of the tub while you bathe, but everyone knows they buy shower curtains to keep vampires from staring at their naughty bits while in the tub. To satisfy the boy-crazy tween in all of us, Esty seller CustomShowerCurtains has created a piece of bathroom art work for those who want to show America's favorite bloodsucker their "New Moon". Buy it for your lil' sister for $75 at Etsy. [Via at Geekologie]
Sorry Edward, I will not be hanging you in my shower....
Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Our Stars have other movies coming out soon :)
I just wanted to put together a post with the trailers of movies our awesome Twi-Stars will be in soon!
Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning in "The Runaways"
Robert Pattinson in "Remember Me"
Taylor Lautner in "Valentines Day"
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:38 AM 0 comments
In case you missed Taylor on SNL...
When Taylor was on SNL, absolutely hysterical. This episode was also the highest rated SNL episode in YEARS!! And SOOOOOO much higher than Taylor Swifts.
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Jackson Rathbone's Band
As some of you know, our dear Jasper Cullen (Jackson Rathbone) is also the lead singer in the band 100 Monkeys. This is their band performing a song, and he responds when a fan yells out "Disney 411" which he was on YEARS ago :)
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My presents from Courtney
Well Courtney and I did Christmas for one another yesterday! Both Wolf Pack inspired gifts, were dorks and we are obcessed! There were two rules... Handmade & under $10. I presented Courtney with 20 x 30 poster board with a hand painted wolf to look like Jake surrounded by pictures of Courtneys favorite guy, Taylor Lautner! I'll post a picture at some point. She LOVED it!! Courtney made me a wooden box with pictures of the wolf pack mod podged on! Inside was a beautiful necklace, the one pictured. Courtney is soooo clever, the charms have such a cool meaning. She even made one for her! The black and brown swirled stone represents Sam's fur (my favorite) and Jacob's fur (Courtneys favorite). The silver charm says things like courage, trust, loyalty, family, unity, etc. which represents the wolf pack & mine and Courtneys friendship! She is incredibly creative, don't you think??

Just thought I'd post it :) take care everyone.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Chaske Spencer on Morning Buzz this morning
I heard practically last minute that Chaske would be on WHEB (a LOCAL classic rock station!!) this morning and thank GOD, I was up in time for the interview!! There are 2 parts, so make sure you listen to both! I recorded it myself, so the quality isnt FANTASTIC and you can hear my cranky toddler, but other than that, its pretty good.
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Chaske Spencer to be on Greg in the Morning Buzz!
Let me just tell you how excited I am! WHEB 100.3 (LOCAL NH STATION!!!) will have Chaske Spencer on their Greg & the Morning buzz show tomorrow morning! I am SOOO pumped! Don't have a time as of yet, I need to call the Radio Station Back, STAY TUNED!!!!
Chaske Spencer to be on Greg & The Morning Buzz
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 3:43 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Rachelle vs. Bryce
So we all know that Rachelle Lefevre (who plays Victoria in Twilight & New Moon) will NOT be appearing in Eclipse or Breaking Dawn. Just found a picture of her dolled up to look like Victoria (I assume, her hair is red). What do you think? Do they look similar?
Rachelle Lefevre
Bryce Howard
*sigh* Not much of a resemblance, is there? Well...we shall see in June how was she does.
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Twilight stars light up IMDb's Top 100 of 2009 listing
Awww our awesome Twi actors have made it to IMDb's Top 100 of 2009 List!!! Here is the article:It wasn't until late 2008 (November 21st to be exact) that Twilight released to theaters and its cast members became household names. In 2009, however, The Twilight Saga: New Moon and its cast have been on the tips of tongues ranging everywhere from the mainstream media to the most ardent of critics.
All year long, the coveted top spot on IMDb's STARmeter has belonged to a Twilight star (with intermediate takeovers by temporary pop culture icons from time to time), and the "big three" (Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner) have all taken turns at number one.
So, it should serve as no surprise, then, that when IMDb released its Top 100 of 2009 list, it was the cast of Twilight that held many of the highest places on the list.
For starters, Robert Pattinson was the number one on the STARmeter for 2009 with Kristen Stewart right behind him in second place.
Taylor Lautner took the number five spot, and Dakota Fanning placed eighth on the list. Beyond the top ten list, too, there is a lot of Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon cast representation. Ashley Greene is number eleven; Nikki Reed holds down the fifteenth spot; Jackson Rathbone came in at twenty-six; Peter Facinelli is thirty-seventh; Kellan Lutz came in at thirty-nine; Michael Sheen is forty-fifth; and Cam Gigandet is at number sixty
Rob Pattinson #1? Wow, I'm impressed, but then again... Rob wins everything, doesnt he? LOL! I'd like to see my Chaske Spencer on that list!!!
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Behind the scenes of New Moon
Pretty cool vid I found on youtube, check it out!
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Rob Pattinson interview with Marie Claire (Brazil)
This article is the the Brazlian version of Marie Claire, enjoy :)
"New Moon", the second part of the saga "Twilight", hits theaters around the world on Friday (20). You may think: "Forget it, this is for teenagers". But you will not be able to escape the wave that will sweep the planet. And I suspect - actually, I know - that a lot of women (at their 20', 30', 40's ...) love the series written by Stephenie Meyer. Plus, they love Robert Pattinson, the actor who plays the vampire Edward Cullen.
I did not understand why so much confusion, until I watched, way later than most, the first film (about two months ago). As a movie, "Twilight" is really bad. Neither the special effects and makeup are good, something serious in a production about vampires. But it was easy to understand why the fever. Edward Cullen is a romantic vampire, without that extreme self-confidence that these beings often have. He falls for awkward teen Bella (the equally awkward Kristen Stewart). He really fears, however, not being able to resist his impulses and hurt her. Worse, he fears that she is hurt by any of the other vampires. The parallel between blood and sex is explicit here. But this makes him a dream lover of any teenager.
That's not all. Everyone, especially those of males, may speak ill of Robert Pattinson. 'He does not take a bath'. 'He looks like a drunk'. The truth is, however, that it has been a long time, probably since Leonardo DiCaprio, that did not appear a guy with such a hearthrob vibe. And what's wrong with that? The film industry needs it. Robert Pattinson sell. Hence the cover of Vanity Fair, a magazine that is far from being for teenagers. Hence the cover of Entertainment Weekly, the bible of the entertainment.
Intrigued, I began to look for and read the interviews of the 2 years old boy. And you know what? You cannot NOT like Robert Pattinson. First, let's agree that the boy is a little young (certainly too young for my taste) but really handsome - take a look at the photoshoot made by Bruce Weber for Vanity Fair and disagree if you can.
Second, he exudes great sincerity and no arrogance, so typical of youngsters who start to be successful. On the contrary, he does not take itself seriously, making fun of himself. "It sounds silly, but in many ways my hair is 75% of my performance," he told Entertainment Weekly that hit newsstands in the U.S. last Friday (13). Other than that, thinks that he is to blame, for not coping well with the harassment - that is so intense that he can not even leave the hotel room. "I'm not the kind of guy fit to be on a movie franchise. I don't like crowds" said to Vanity Fair.
And he seems to want to be a real actor. Such that he has chosen more alternative projects, like the western directed by actress Madeleine Stowe ( "Unbound Captives") and a romantic drama with Emilie de Ravin ( "Remember Me"). For all that, you can say with ease that he has far more qualities that 90% of 23 years actors out there. So, leave the boy alone.
from Rpatzdaily
On a personal note... this is written for like 30-40 year old women...so me being 20... I don't agree with he's too "young" for me... he's actually 3 years older than me! LOL.
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Kellan wants Breaking Dawn to be 2 movies too!
If you're psyched about the prospect of a two-part "Breaking Dawn," you're not alone.
"Twilight" hottie Kellan Lutz is also into it.
"They haven't told the rest of us actors yet," he confided exclusively to The Dish Rag at the Hollywood Foreign Press Young Hollywood party last night at Nobu.
"I have read that they are talking to Rob, Taylor and Kristen to negotiate to make 'Dawn' into two movies. I'd love for it to be two films," he added.
How about that "Twilight" TV series rumor? "I just heard that too. I don't know how. You already have the books and the story's been told so beautifully. And there's already 'True Blood' and 'Vampire Diaries,' and they're both great. I don't know how it would work. Twenty two episodes?
And are you listening, Matt Damon? Because Kellan Lutz seriously wants to bro up with you in your "Bourne" action film franchise.
"I'm making this checklist as an actor," he confided. "Right now I just really want to be part of the Bourne franchise and the more I say that, maybe Matt Damon will read it and it and maybe I can play his brother."
We could totally see that. They even look a bit alike.
And on the heels of his co-star Taylor Lautner's move into the teen superhero flick, "Max Steel," Kellan wouldn't mind some super powers himself very soon. "I'd love to be 'Captain America' someday."
He's not sure exactly what his next project will be yet. And its too early to talk specifics. But it's definitely going to in the action or romantic comedy genre. And what else did we learn during our chat with Kellan:
Broad strokes about his upcoming projects
"They're are going to studios to get the funding, and there's one I will produce. Most are action films and a couple of romantic comedies and I'm just thrilled with all the scripts."
On "Twilight" being his Golden Ticket
"People work 20 years to get what we have," Kellan admits. "We really are so lucky. Its like you get a headstart and its all because of the fans. And it's not just about money or getting offers, it's that we can mold our careers."
On attributing "Twilight" franchise success to Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart
"The rest of us, we could suck probably," Kellan says. "It's Rob and Kristen who have the amazing chemistry. Without those two keystones, "Twilight" could have flopped. It really could have."
From The Dish Rag
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
RPatz Co-Star Curse
From Celebuzz:
Is Robert Pattinson's sex appeal so utterly overwhelming that he's capable of destroying relationships just by co-starring with someone?
The New York Post reports that Uma Thurman, who's scheduled to share the screen with Pattinson in the upcoming romance flick Bel Ami, has split up with her fiancé, hedge fund manager Arki Busson, making Busson the latest in a long line of victims of what many (okay, so far, "we") are calling The R-Pattz Co-Star Curse.
The earliest recorded instance of The R-Pattz Co-Star Curse (copyright pending) occurred early this year, when Gentlemen Broncos actor Michael Angarano, who had been dating Pattinson's Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart, suddenly disappeared from Stewart's life with the swiftness and completeness of a Soviet dissident.
But this was just the beginning of R-Pattz's relationship-wrecking streak. Back in June, as she prepared to film the romantic comedy Remember Me with Pattinson, Lost star Emilie de Ravin announced that she was parting ways with her husband of three years, December Ends thesp Josh Janowicz. And thus, a pattern emerged.
And now, with Uma Thurman's breakup, The R-Pattz Co-Star Curse has reached out to crush yet another formerly happy relationship.
If we were The Wrestler director Darren Aranofsky—who's engaged (for now anyway) to Rachel Weisz, who'll be co-starring with Pattinson in the upcoming historical drama Unbound Captives—we'd be pretty worried right now.
Then again, given that Aranofsky is currently preparing to film an angry, aggressive sex scene between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis, he might have already mentally checked out of that relationship.
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Melissa Rosenberg talks about the writing process
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Stephenie Meyer is ALIVE AND WELL!
Despite some awful rumors that were circulating yesterday, Stephenie Meyer is alive and well! Seth (her webmaster) updated her web site saying:
Hey everybody. I just received a call from Stephenie and she wanted me to let everyone know that, contrary to some rumors that have recently started circulating, she is alive and well.
Have a great day.
So, no one fret :)
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Young Hollywood Party
Some pictures from the Young Hollywood party where some of our beloved Twilight cast attended! Thank you to Team Twilight for the heads up! Pictured: Kellan Lutz, Edi Gadethi & Anna Kendrik
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
CullenLove Twilight News: How many times have you seen New Moon?
A recent poll was done to see how many times our readers have seen New Moon.
Out of 22 votes:
2 people have seen New Moon once
8 people have seen New Moon 2-3 times
4 people have seen New Moon 3-4 times
5 people have seen New Moon 5+ times
3 people have never seen New Moon
Thanks for voting everyone!
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 10:17 AM 0 comments
MTV Post: Kristen Stewart; tabloids, Bryce Howard.
From MTV
I imagine the first day on a movie set is a lot like the first day of school. There's all the last-minute summer reading (memorizing the script), meeting new classmates (your costars) and the hours of hair and makeup (okay, maybe not that last one). But thanks to a special touch from director Chris Weitz, the "New Moon" set felt even more scholarly — in a good way. "Twilight Saga" star Kristen Stewart sat down with MTV Radio recently and talked about the director's teacherly approach to filming, working with newcomer Bryce Dallas Howard and the media scrutiny.
"Chris did a very different thing that I've never had a director do," the 19-year-old explained. "He put together a syllabus of what we were supposed to achieve and how he was going to make it easier for everyone — sort of an introduction to how he likes to work. It not only introduced the idea of collaboration but said, 'Please, everyone, love it and be invested and work hard.' It was very encouraging. It had technical aspects of [the shoot] — how he was so sorry that so much of the movie was going to be CGI stuff that we would have to react to — but that he was going to always make us aware of what we were acting with and never leave us high and dry like a lot of effects movies [do], because you don't know what you're reacting to. It was a full rundown of how he planned on making the movie. Most directors are like, 'Have you put together notes for our meeting?' and it's like, 'No. That's your job.' "
With "New Moon" already a box office smash in its first few weeks, Kristen also turned her gaze towards next year's "Eclipse," dishing about working with Bryce Dallas Howard, who took over the role of Victoria from Rachelle Lefevre. "It was really good [working with her]," Kristen said. "Bryce is scary. She is really oddly sweet as well, so it's weird to see her switch back and forth. Victoria, for Bella, is an ever-present fear — even when Victoria isn't around, she is scared that she is coming back. Bryce is such a good actress, and it was easy to be scared of her."
And, of course, no KStew interview would be complete without the requisite tabloid talk. But Kristen mustered a much more diplomatic response than the one she gave Entertainment Weekly last month. "I've gotten more comfortable with it," Kristen said of the media attention. "And the whole rumor/tabloid stuff, it's so obviously false to me. Even before I became a part of it, once I was sort of the star of that, it's like a show; it's like a ridiculous show. With false realism, like a soap opera that seems real, but you're not quite sure. It doesn't bother me; I don't take it personally."
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Chaske speaks out
This came out quite a few days ago, but Chaske is speaking out about the Rehab and what really went on. Here is what is said on his website, ChaskeSpencer.comPersonal Message from Chaske Spencer Setting the Record Straight
To all the wonderful, incredibly loyal fans:
For those of you that read that I was in rehab, I wanted to make sure you heard the truth from me directly. Yes it is true, that I was in rehab, however it was over 19 months ago, long before NEW MOON was even on my radar. It was a pivotal time in my life where I was lucky enough to have supportive friends and family to help me get healthy. I am grateful that I have been clean and sober now for 19 months and cannot imagine my life if I had continued using drugs and alcohol. Almost everything else that was written about this is blatantly false and we are exploring our legal options. That was my past, and I am thankful that I had the opportunity to create a new future for myself. I encourage anyone who is in a similar place to seek support from their friends and family and know that without them, I would not have had the chance to be where I am now.
I want to thank all of you for the support you have shown, and continue to show. I appreciate each and every one of you.
We love you Chaske, keep up the hard work! Sobriety is like another job in itself! We support & love you, don't we guys??
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Q&A with Jackson Rathbone
Thank you to Thinking of Rob
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Chaske on Martha Stewart
Our awesome lead wolf Sam Uley, played by Chaske Spencer, was on Martha Stewart recently! check out these videos! Thanks to My Twi Life for posting these :)
Awww Chaske...I'm a mom...but I'm not old! :( I'm 20 for christs sake!!! I love his laugh, its too cute.
--Crystal @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
Bryce Dallas Howard dieting for Eclipse tour?
From ROB & kriSTEN Lovers:
If you're in any of the Twilight movies you'd better be ready for the insane media frenzy that comes with it.
Taylor Lautner seems to handle it like a champ, even if he's now trying to be incognito with girlfriend Taylor Swift. And we think Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are finally figuring out how to get a grip on all the attention (it helps that they go through it together).
But what about the other stars in the film?
We hear the pressure may be trickling down to press-tour newbie Bryce Dallas Howard...
We're told Rachelle Lefevre's replacement is taking precautions to be camera-ready in time for her close-ups.
A source close to the redheaded starlet says she is trying to drop 20 pounds in time for the Eclipse press tour, scheduled around the June 2010 release date. The method, our in-the-know insider spills, is a detox cleanse requiring her to avoid all oils—in her system and on the exterior of her body.
"Bryce began her detox about two weeks ago, and it will last about 40 days," says our source with intimate knowledge on the sitch. "She does this twice a year to get rid of all the bad toxins in her body, and of course, as a weight-loss system. She is starting to diet early because she knows the press tour is going to be grueling and that a lot of the media focus and attention will be on her."
Howard's rep denies she is doing this extreme of a cleanse.
"Bryce is not looking to lose 20 pounds," says her rep, Stephen Huvane. "She does cleanse from time to time, but the one you describe is not at all what she has done in the past or has any plans to do."
Still, Howard's pal insists she has started the diet, which prohibits her from consuming any oil products and from using any oil based beauty supplements—including lip gloss!
"It would be hard for the average person to do it, but once Bryce sets her mind to something, she does it."
But Howard, 28, is very careful to keep her diet safe. The insider adds that she has always been health-conscious and was previously a strict vegan, but switched to a vegetarian diet in 2006 while she was pregnant.
"Bryce is always taking precautionary steps for her heath since her schedule is consistently nonstop," says our source. "She can't afford to be sick while working 16-hour days."
We think BDH is a beautiful girl—no need to drop 20 pounds sweetie! For any of these gals who feel stressed just think: You get to work with R.Pattz for years to come.
Take your frustrations out in other ways. We're sure Kristen is!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 11:45 PM 0 comments
New Signature!
Yay!!! We got a brand new signature from Mrs. Vanquish! I am so excited everybody! So from now on you'll see either Crystal or Courtney @
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Twilight stars SNATCHED from Burger King!
There's a "Twilight" crime wave sweeping the nation -- particularly at Burger King restaurants -- and all the suspects seem to be the most fearless creatures on the planet ... teenage girls with a crush.
TMZ has learned multiple Burger King restaurants across the country are reporting life-size promotional posters of Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson are being ripped right off the BK windows in broad daylight ... horrible time for a vampire.
So far, the interstate theft has affected BKs in Maine, Delaware and Montana. One Burger King rep tell us, "The girls just walk up in the middle of the day ... rip off the posters and run ... we've had to replace them over and over."
Hmmm... well. There are 2 Burger Kings in our area... maybe Courtney & I should make off with one too?? I saw the Rob one on the back door..he'd be easy to get! LOL :)
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Chaske goes shopping with TV Guide
LOVE this video :)
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: chaske spencer
Friday, December 4, 2009
New Moon stars in FL
Let see.... Tinsel Korey, Daniel Cudmore, Gil Birmingham & Chaske Spencer are all in FL! I think there's a convention going on. I wish I were down there now, it's freaking COLD in New Hampshire.
Have Fun Guys!
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Alex and Taylor
New Moon star Alex Meraz—who plays Wolf Pack member Paul in the Twilight vampire series—sat down with Vanity Fair.com to discuss the upcoming Twilight sequel New Moon, and what it's been like to work on the third installment, Eclipse.
Read below for a few choice excerpts:
On his favorite New Moon scene to film: "The cliff diving scene was the most fun because the whole Wolf Pack was there and we were jumping off these 50-foot scaffolding things onto an air mattress. It was pretty exciting to be able to do our own stunts."
On not using stunt doubles: "They were pushing for it, we were pushing against; we wanted to do our own stuff. We had to train for a good two days, eight hours each day just practicing jumping, making sure we were landing safely. On the day [of shooting], we were actually jumping from a green screen cliff but it was actually taller and a little bit more dangerous because there was foliage and grass on top of it—it was a little slippery. We were fine, and it was really fun."
On the difference between filming New Moon and Eclipse: "[Shooting Eclipse] was no pressure. The pressure was doing the job on the first one, trying to understand the character. On this one, I felt a little bit more comfortable with what I was doing. I already knew the cast, so it was a lot easier."
“In a word association quiz, Alex described Taylor Lautner as "loyal," Robert Pattinson as "patient" and Kristen Stewart as "badass."”
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:11 PM 0 comments
7 Things You Need to Know About 'New Moon' Wolf Alex Meraz
It took one New Moon casting announcement to bring Alex Meraz from obscurity into the thick of Twilight mania. Out of all the wolf pack cast introduced, Meraz has clearly captured the public imagination with his shirtless photos and his piercing eyes. But who is Alex Meraz? We asked his mentor and friend, actor Raoul Trujillo, to give us a breakdown.
HE'S, UM, PRETTY HOT (OKAY, THAT WAS OUR POINT): "The camera loves him," agrees Trujillo. "Everywhere we go people are always saying, 'Good God, who is your friend.'"
"This is only going to be scarier now."
HE'S GONE FROM 'NEW WORLD' TO 'NEW MOON': Meraz's first big film was New World as one of the Powhatan core warriors. "That's kind of where he got the bug," says fellow New World cast member Trujillo. "It was an incredible experience."
Meraz was in the running, but was turned down for Apocalypto: "Mel felt he didn't look Mayan enough, which was silly." says Trujillo who was cast. "I don't look Mayan either, but they put a prosthetic nose on me and I looked plenty Mayan."
HE'S A SERIOUS DANCER: Meraz came to Trujillo's attention when another choreographer found him break-dancing on the streets in Phoenix, Arizona. Besides break-dancing he excels in indigenous and contemporary dancing. Meraz is "an inherent dancer" says Trujillo. who is also a choreographer.
Even Colin Farrell was impressed when Meraz busted some moves at the New World wrap party. Trujillo: "Colin was just sitting and watching cross-legged all ga-ga going, 'Oh my god.' "
HE CAN KICK SERIOUS VAMPIRE BUTT: Alex has studied mixed martial arts, winning numerous tournaments in karate and the martial art of Capoeira. "He's a pretty lethal martial artist," says Trujillo. "He can kick some serious ass."
So who'd win: Alex or a vampire? "If it were going to be one of the Twilight vampires, I'd bet on Alex in a minute," laughs Trujillo. "But in the end, you bet on the screenwriter. They say what's going to happen."
THE DUDE WORKS HARD: Nabbing the key role in Twilight was no fluke for the young actor. "If there's anyone I have known in my life that deserves this, it's Alex," says Trujillo. "He's worked his ass off in the time I have known him. He never lets up."
Beyond staying in top physical shape, the actor-student works hard on honing his craft, including his New Moon audition. "Alex drove from Phoenix to my ranch in New Mexico on his birthday weekend so I could help him with his audition," says Trujillo. "It's about 8 hours each way. But he knew he needed to get this done."
"He's humble," says Trujillo. "And he always showed that he was willing to listen and learn."
Even with those essentials, it took a lot of work, luck and talent to break through.
"New Moon happened to be there at the right time," says Trujillo. "This is his first big break. And what a break to have. This whole thing is a phenomena."
SORRY LADIES, HE'S MARRIED: Alex is madly in love with his Vietnamese-American wife Kim, who posed nude while pregnant with their son. They have a child named Somak (Trujillo is the god-parent). Kim was the one who was a true Twilight fan.
"His wife is the one who has read all of those books. And she's the one who said look, you have to got to get into this. This is perfect for you. You're the one."
FINALLY, HE'S RIPPED: "I sometimes have to tell him, 'I hate you, put your shirt on,' " says Trujillo.
"He's slender anyways and he has a body that just is that way. He doesn't even really work out because if he works out he gets huge. He's got these shoulders on him. It's from the martial arts and the break dancing. And he's one of those genetically gifted guy."
"They are going to have to get a trainer for everyone else on set or he is going to stand out like a sore thumb."
Check out our gallery of Alex's photos including pix from Trujillo and Meraz's trip to Burning Man.
Tell us in comments below, what do you think of Alex Meraz?
Source: http://www.theinsider.com/news/1930968_7_Things_You_Need_to_Know_About_New_Moon_Wolf_Alex_Meraz
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:56 PM 0 comments
New Taylor Picture!
I just had to share this picture with you guys. I thought that it was super cute and i thought that you would like it too!!! Let me know what you think
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Taylor Lautner as Max Steel?
Now that New Moon mania is in full effect its time for Taylor Lautner to capitalize on his new found fame. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart both have several films in development and production, so Lautner needs to start making some career decisions. According to the LATimes, the young actor is in talks to headline one of the many toy adaptations headed our way.
Following in the footsteps of Transformers and G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra, Lautner may take on the lead role in Max Steel. The Mattel based toy line hit stores in 2001, pulled in $100 million in worldwide business within its first year, and went on to spawn a successful animated series.
If Lautner takes on the role he would play Steel, a 19 year old extreme-sports athlete who is accidentally exposed to the unleashed power of nanotechological machines, which become part of him and (in the old show, at least) give him increased strength, near-invulnerability and the ability to change his appearance.
Due to Lautner’s background in martial arts and gymnastics, the “extreme” part of the character shouldn’t be hard for him to pull off. The actor’s recent surge in popularity has made him a hot commodity with the major studios, due to his ability to bring in female fans. Even though Max Steel sounds like a great starring vehicle for the actor, the screenplay hasn’t been completed, which means it might be a while before we actually see him in the role.
What do you think about Taylor Lautner starring as Max Steel?
Source: http://screencrave.com/2009-12-04/taylor-lautner-as-max-steel/
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Wolf Pack Boys...
I just made this picture for the hell of it. Enjoy, I know Courtney will, haha :D
You can drag it to the address bar for a bigger view of it :)
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 3:15 PM 0 comments
New Moon star to announce bisexuality!
YEAH! Can you believe it? Who do you think it is? Check out this video! I'm praying its not Chaske!
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 2:41 PM 0 comments
New Emmett Cullen promo pic!
New Emmett promotional picture released! Goodness, he is HANDSOME! <3
Thank you Team Twilight for the heads up.
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Our very first GIVEAWAY!
Hey blog readers! Guess what CullenLove Twilight News is going to do?! We are having our very first GIVEAWAY! YAY! I run a very small bath salt "company" I guess you could say, and we will be giving away a 6 oz. bath salt to one of our lucky winners!
But alas...there are things you must do first.
Rules & Regulations
1. Put a comment on this entry with the following: Your first name and your email address
2.This contest will run from Friday, December 4th to Friday, December 25th so make sure you get an entry in! Entries close at 4 pm EST December 25, 2009.
3. Entries will be assigned a number.
4.The winner will be chosen at random using Random.org
5. We will contact the winner via email for a shipping address.
Check out the bath salts! Bella Sea Salts ! And make sure to check out "Our Story" so you can see how we started out!
And to everyone...GOOD LUCK!! :D :D :D And make sure to tell your friends about this giveaway!
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:49 AM 9 comments
Sshhhh! Want some of the New Moon soundtrack, but not ALL the songs?
I'm devious, I must say, lol. Last night, I was looking for two very specific songs from the New Moon soundtrack. One being "Roslyn" by Bon Iver & St. Vincent. Well at first, I could only find it available on the official New Moon soundtrack (I had searched Roslyn Bon Iver). So instead, I searched Roslyn St. Vincent and up popped a "new moon" soundtrack, deffinetely not official, but you could buy some of the songs individually (I bought "Roslyn" and "Hearing Damage".
Here is a screenie I took: Drag it to the url bar and you can see the full sized image.
Music > Alternative > New Moon (Soundtrack Selections with songs by Karmina)
Enjoy lovelies :)
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Rob wants to be a young daddy!
This interview is actually kinda cute. He wants to be a young dad, and be friends with his kids, lol. :) He also says he bought his first electric guitar while filming eclipse! :) I agree with Robsessed he does seem very relaxed in this interview :) Enjoy Japan Rob!
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Taylor Lautner talks about playing Jacob
Our Tay Tay did an interview with MTV lately, and here is what he had to say.
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Taylor Lautner Dealt With Bullies As A Child
So, you know that hunky wolf boy with all that delicious "abbage for your cabbage"? Turns out when he was a kid, Lautner wasn't exactly the charming tough guy that the whole world is now crazy about. Taylor Lautner reveals that teasing during childhood played a part in making him the actor he is today.
Lautner, 17, made the cover of the latest issue of Rolling Stone, and inside he reveals a shocker about the kind of child he was. "I was never extremely confident," Lautner claims. "Because I was an actor, when I was in school there was a little bullying going on." Bullying? "Not physical bullying," he says, "but people making fun of what I do ... I just had to tell myself I can't let this get to me. This is what love to do. And I'm going to continue to do it."
Rock on. These days, of course, Lautner is the most sought-after star by teens and tweens. After a childhood that made him adaptable and driven, did he ever think he'd star in the biggest film of our era? "Nobody knew what Twilight was going to be," he says. "Nobody. We thought we were making it just for passionate fans of the book. People just kept telling Us, 'Oh, yeah, the movie is going to do so good.' And we were like, 'All right, whatever. We'll see.' But when the movie came out, I was just blown away. That's when I realized, 'Boy, what am I getting myself into?'"
True to his childhood, however, he stays modest about his superstar status as The Twilight Saga's Jacob Black. "This could have happened to anybody who played Jacob," Lautner insists. "I was just lucky enough to be the one that has the opportunity. I'm so grateful. It's Twilight. It's not me personally."
However the New Moon cast does let us get close to who they really are in their hilarious recent interview with actress Carrie Keagan - check it out here!
Source: http://www.limelife.com/blog-entry/Taylor-Lautner-Dealt-With-Bullies-As-A-Child/26850.html?obref=obinsite
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Taylor Lautner on SNL!!!!!
Taylor Lautner made an appearance in Taylor Swift's SNL monologue in early November...but now he'll be hosting SNL himself! This weekend it was announced that Lautner will host Saturday Night Live on December 12, 2009.
Lautner hosting SNL will fulfill the iconic sketch comedy show's recent attempts to both reach an engaged younger audience and cash in on the Twilight craze. Lautner, who plays Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga, ranks statistically as a favorite among teen Twilight fans and has magnetized major mainstream attention with the 30 pounds of muscle he put on for New Moon, the second installment in the Twilight film series. With New Moon's box office numbers weighing in Sunday at $230 million after its second weekend in theaters, the North American audience is likely to flock to Lautner as a pretty recognizable SNL host.
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Taylor Lautner
Early life
Lautner was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the son of Deborah, who works for a software development company, and Daniel Lautner, a commercial airline pilot.[1] He was raised in Hudsonville, Michigan, and attended Jamestown Elementary School until the age of eleven.[2] Lautner is of mostly Dutch, French, and German descent,[3][4] and claims some Native American (specifically Ottawa and Potawatomi) ancestry through his mother.[3] He has a younger sister, Makena.[1]
Lautner is an accomplished martial artist, having studied karate from the age of six to thirteen.[2] When he was eleven, he was ranked number one in the world for NASKA's Black Belt Open Forms, Musical Weapons, Traditional Weapons and Traditional Forms and, at the age of twelve, he won the Junior World Championships.[5]
Taylor Daniel Lautner (born February 11, 1992) is an American actor and martial artist. His roles include the family films The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D, Cheaper by the Dozen 2, and Jacob Black in the Twilight film series.
Lautner with Twilight costars, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards.Lautner began acting in 2001, appearing in the made-for-television film Shadow Fury. He subsequently had roles on the series Summerland, The Bernie Mac Show, and My Wife and Kids.[1] He also appeared in a number of other television shows and movies, including The Nick & Jessica Variety Hour. He appeared as himself in America's Most Talented Kids, putting on an exhibition of his Martial Arts skills. In addition to television, Lautner has been very successful in voice-over work. Lautner has booked a recurring role as Youngblood on the cartoon Danny Phantom, and has recorded episodes of What's New, Scooby-Doo? and He's a Bully, Charlie Brown.[6] Taylor has also been booked as a series regular on a pilot presentation called Which Way Is Up?, in addition to voicing the character of Silas in the animated series Silas and Brittany.[5]
Lautner, July 2009His big break came in 2005 when, at the age of thirteen, Lautner won the role of Shark Boy in the Robert Rodriguez film, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D, a film that showcased his martial arts skills.[6] He spent three months on location in Austin, Texas filming.[5] Within months, he successfully auditioned to play Elliot, the son of the Bakers' rivals, in Cheaper by the Dozen 2.[6]
In October 2008, Lautner played Christian Slater's son in the television series My Own Worst Enemy, until the show was canceled after only 9 episodes.[7] Lautner then played Native American character Jacob Black in Twilight, the movie adaptation of the novel by Stephenie Meyer.[8] Due to major physical changes that occur in the character of Jacob Black throughout the series, the director of Twilight's sequel, New Moon, considered replacing Lautner with a different actor in the second film.[9] In an attempt to keep the role, Lautner weight-trained extensively and gained approximately 30 pounds.[10] Lautner reprised his role as Jacob in New Moon.[2] Lautner has also been cast in the film Valentine's Day as Tyler Harrinton.[11]
Lautner is scheduled to host Saturday Night Live on December 12, 2009, which will make him one of the ten youngest celebrity hosts in the show's history.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Lautner
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Alex Meraz
Alex Meraz of the Purepecha (Tarasco) First Nation of Michoacan, Mexico was born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. Working throughout the Phoenix area, Alex Meraz taught classes at schools and community centers in all aspects of art from mask making to break dancing. As a graduate of the New School for the Arts, Alex Meraz has since developed as a multi-faceted performer and artist. For 12 years, Alex Meraz competed in the world of mixed martial arts, winning numerous tournaments in karate and capoeira, which led him to train with Andy Cheng as a stuntman.
Highly sought after in the indigenous dance world, Alex Meraz has worked as a lead dancer with renowned choreographers Raoul Trujillo, Rulan Tangen and Santee Smith, to name a few. Alex Meraz is a founding member of Rulan Tangen's company, Dancing Earth. Alex Meraz's acclaim for his work with Dancing Earth earned him the honor of being hand-picked for a troupe selected to represent the United States in a performance for Jordan's royal family in Amman.
Alex Meraz's achievements in the performing arts world led to a role in Terrence Malick's film "The New World," starring Colin Farrell and Christian Bale.
Source: http://www.poptower.com/alex-meraz.htm
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Chaske Spencer
Emerging actor Chaske Spencer was born of the Lakota Sioux tribe, and raised on Indian Reservations in Montana and Idaho. When he was young, he dreamt of becoming a photographer, and before long he found himself in front of the camera instead, in pursuit of an acting career. Chaske moved to New York City and in between bartending and waiting tables to make a living, he was cast in his very first off off-Broadway play, DRACULA, playing the title role. From there he did a number of New York Theatre pieces, performed at THE PUBLIC THEATRE in NYC and THE ROUNDABOUT and was fortunate enough to be discovered by television/film casting director RENE HAYNES. Rene cast him in his first feature SKINS as well as the lead in DREAMKEEPER and Steven Speilberg's INTO THE WEST. Rene also cast him in his latest and most buzzworthy role to date, playing SAM ULEY; in the popular Summit Entertainment TWILIGHT film series sequels: NEW MOON and ECLIPSE. NEW MOON is set to premiere on November 20, 2009.
With experience both on stage and on screen, Chaske’s credibility as a quality actor stands strong. He is passionate about making a difference with all people in the area of reducing poverty and creating sustainable communities. In fact, he is engaged in several projects to that end. Partnered with his manager JOSSELYNE HERMAN and veteran producer TED KURDYLA, his production company URBAN DREAM is in development on a feature-length documentary and feature film.
From his first acting role as a vampire in DRACULA to his most current role in NEW MOON as the lead werewolf, it seems Chaske Spencer has truly come full circle.
His work as a spokesperson for UNITED GLOBAL SHIFT (unitedglobalshift.org) gives him the opportunity to impact many areas he is committed to shifting (poverty, sustainable communities, global empowerment) Through his personal project SHIFT THE POWER TO THE PEOPLE, he is shining a spotlight on initiatives designed to create sustainability and prosperity.
Source: http://www.chaskespencer.com/bio.html
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Twilight Soundtrack nominated for a Grammy
Our beloved Twilight soundtrack is being nominated for a GRAMMY! Thats big news people! BIG NEWS!
The soundtrack is being nominated for Best Compilation Soundtrack Album For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media!!!!!
Also, Paramore is being nominated for Best Song Written For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media for their song 'Decode'!
Wanna see all the nominations? Grammy Nominations
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 2:01 PM 0 comments
10 must have holiday Twilight Gifts
A list compromised exclusively for the readers of CullenLove Twilight News. These are the top 10 must have Twilight presents for the Twilighter on your Christmas shopping list :) 1. Bella's Charm Bracelet; $70; made by Runs with Vampires. As seen in 'Eclipse'.
2. Jacob Jewelery Box; $16.99; made by Toys R Us From New Moon.
3. 'Twilight' Scene it; $25.59; made by Toys R Us; from Twilight.4. New Moon Music Box; $34.00; Sold by Hot Topic; from New Moon.
5. Wolf Girl Candle; $15.00; sold by Hot Topic From New Moon.
6. Team Edward PJ's; $39.99; Sold at Hot Topic; from New Moon
7. Wolf Pack Friendship Necklace; $20; Sold at Torrid; from New Moon
8. Volturi immortal Liquid Body Shimmer; $19.00; Sold at Torrid
9. Wolf Pack Hoodie; $40.00; Sold at Cafe Press ; from New Moon10. Forks T-Shirt; $28.00; Sold at Cafe Press; From the entire series
Well, now that you have an idea of what to give that die-hard Twi-hard, now it's time to head to the store or purchase online! Happy Holiday everyone.
Posted by Crystal-Lyn Marie at 10:02 AM 0 comments